Child and Adolescent Paperwork

Child and Adolescent Intake Paperwork

Child and Adolescent Intake Paperwork

Demographic Information

Patient's Legal Name:
Patient's Legal Name:
(if different from legal name)
Legal Guardian's Name:
Legal Guardian's Name:
By checking this box, I affirm that:

Maximum file size: 516MB

Do you have a secondary insurance?
By checking this box, I hereby authorize PsyCare to furnish information to the above insurance carriers concerning diagnosis and treatment and I authorize the insurance carriers to forward all payments to the doctor for services rendered to my dependents or myself. I understand that I am responsible for any charges that are not covered by insurance and that the information provided above is complete and there are no other insurance policies covering services. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify PsyCare Inc of any changes in my insurance coverage otherwise I will be responsible for payments in full. This authorization will be effective as of the date entered below. A photocopy of this authorization shall be considered as valid as the original. This authorization also verifies that I have received and have read the PsyCare handbook and HIPAA notice of privacy practices. I understand that if I have any questions or need clarification, I can ask any member of the PsyCare staff for assistance. I consent to PsyCare providing me with assessment and treatment services.